Monday, July 23, 2012

Not quite the same ol' saw

Well, fuck.

Oh, it's not all that bad. There's no blood, even though it does feel like I'm getting ready to bang my head against the wall.

You see, a guy I know who teaches at a local art school has told me that they're looking for someone to fill a part-time slot this coming semester. And it's a position for which I'm more than qualified. He's even gone as far as to tell the person responsible for finding someone to fill the position that I would make for a great fit.

Now, at this point, putting together a letter, teaching philosophy, CV and references should be a piece of cake. Indeed, it is so easy that I have already done it, of course pending the approval of the wife.

This, despite my friend suggesting that I just send a quick email expressing interest, attach my CV and suggest that we meet for coffee.

Something that casual? Well, there's more to the story that makes me think not.

My friend also said that the person in charge of hiring is already considering candidates, and in fact does not like it when he pushes too hard on someone's behalf.

And never mind that this will be the third time I've sent this person a packet. And did I receive any response from the other two attempts?

So, there's the rub. Or, at least a portion of it, for I'm still licking some wounds from the last concentrated job search. I believe I received rejection letters or emails from about half of the colleges and universities to which I sent my application. That's fine. I understand many are most likely short-staffed. But what really frosts my ass is that only two of the schools bothered to look at my website, and even then, neither went much further than the "Welcome" page.

Granted, I have begun psyching myself up for another run at them this fall when job announcements start getting posted. And given that my resume (non-teaching) has gotten a bit deeper with this new writing gig and a couple shows on the horizon for next year, I may stand a better chance of getting an interview, if not a position.

Maybe. Perhaps my talents are better suited for something else.

It's not exactly like pissing in the wind, but it's close.

Meanwhile, all is not lost.

Part of my writing responsibilities for the two online sites to which I contribute is keeping an eye out for comments. Albeit rare, they need to be answered when they do show up. And, as they not only demonstrate that I am not writing into a void, but that people care enough to start a dialogue, I rather enjoy responding.

This week I saw that a column I wrote earlier this month had two comments, both written on the same day. My heart skipped a beat (even though, as you know, that's not unusual) when I saw the name of the first commenter, for I recognized the name immediately.

There is a large art market on this coast but considerably further south than here. The name of the commenter belongs to one of the two most significant arts writers of that area. And his comments were complimentary.

He and I have made plans to meet next time we visit the wife's parents.

1 comment:

  1. Well, that sounds like some good news. Gotta take it when it comes.
