Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Working out

Well, the back still hurts. Not so much an obsession with my past glories and disappointments. No, not that back. My lower back, mostly on the right side. Yet, all is getting better, slowly but surely. It may be of some interest that mention of the infirmity on social media has garnered more response than anything I've posted regarding art. My back and my dead brother. Close, anyway.

I am not discouraged.

I mention this because of another comment received about my most recent art review: "A terrific piece of writing that catches the feeling of the paintings themselves. No art jargon, just the guts." This coming from a guy who used to do a similar job as mine some years back and who is quietly smarter than most folks I know, aging gracefully and with wisdom. The kind of guy who you want to hang with in hopes that some of it rubs off.

A big weekend coming up. I believe I've mentioned its eventuality before, some months ago, yet a quick look-see garners no link to relieve a retelling. The problem is relating it in such a fashion that keeps the SEOs at bay. 

Let's just say a friend who carries great influence in the world I play in is coming to town. Not to knight me but to choose among others those to be knighted. I have been asked to select some potential candidates, and again, if not for this appointment then perhaps for other opportunities she is prepared to offer. (This has not stopped me from preparing my own materials, just in case.) 

I have made my choices, and brought joy and anticipation to three of the well-deserved. And here's the thing, the afterglow, if you will: When word gets out, because it will, it's going to piss off some folks, maybe even some friends, for only one of the three can be said to be one. It will also bother at least one other who thinks he is the voice that must be heard above all others when it comes to who is worthy of what. 

Should be fun.

Meanwhile, I have two more reviews in the queue, a road trip to prepare for that will garner another essay and a helluva lot of photos, and some back exercises to do.