Saturday, May 11, 2013

Nobody warned me

I've been accused of being unreadable more than once. Usually it is of my own design, not that of a template glitch like I found this morning when I came to this blog: black print on a dark grey background. I'd apologize except I haven't a clue how it happened, plus I am beginning to resist feelings of guilt when others are inconvenienced through no fault of my own. It's another small step toward doing as I damn please here in this space, even if it means an increasing number of click-throughs.

Within moderation, of course.

Of course, one wouldn't think that a little work with a circle hoe in the yard would have brought about the amount of back pain I have, either. Unless it was more the misstep into a hole or some such thing that jarred the muscles, an event that may have happened but forgotten.

The work was Monday. Tuesday morning was the pain. Wednesday afternoon was the chainsaw work for a friend. Thursday was the backpack sprayer in the side yard. Friday was excruciating and Hydrocodone.

Wonderful dreams last night.

But I digress.

No flags.

1 comment:

  1. The blog was unreadable at your site, but just fine in my google reader.
