Tuesday, February 5, 2013

In these times

I'm two days off of Tuesday. All day long I've worked under the impression that it is Sunday. Or, as the wife is kind enough to point out, five days off. Either way, not good if I am to keep tomorrow's appointments.

Why all of this discombobulation? Maybe it's a zen thing instead, every moment like the other and no more different than water or a wall. All one in the same while nothing as well.

Ah, the leisure class, dread and jubilation emotional cocktails in which the ice never melts, even in the heat of the moment. Too easy?

Banner day! Banner day indeed!

There was a time when we were just starting this journey, a group of us, some more diligent, some luckier, some with nurtured deficits. Still, we were in proximity and shared a certain age scheme of things, and thus came to know each other well. 

Years passed. Distance chosen. No matter, for we were of the forever.

Had enough?

I love when old friends of prominence can help new friends achieve steps toward the same. The wife has a foreign phrase for it, this behind the scenes role I have been able to play. Honored, actually. And amazingly grateful for I have never in my life heard these words uttered to me before: "How can I ever repay you?"

Small wonder my head is spun.

Oh, it goes beyond this beautiful thing (to which I humbly responded, "There is no need." for it cost me nothing of this world) but I fear writing of it in detail — even if I do it in such a manner to avoid the SEO demigods — would cast a hex upon the whole matter. Yet I will make this promise now: Should you and I still be here in fifteen moons, and all comes about as has been spoken of in heretofore hushed tones, I will tell the tale.

In other and not wholly unrelated news, I am one small painting away from finishing a rather sizable configuration of twenty such paintings for my exhibit in March. I had intended on being finished the night before last with only sorting and arranging to be dome before heading off to the framers. However, the more I looked at them in potential combinations, it became apparent that a couple were flawed and needed refining touches and one was unsuitable in a manner that could not be changed. Its replacement is drying as I write.

I am just five weeks out from installation and as of tomorrow, everything will be post-production. Not counting tweaking. The opening will be on a Saturday, so rest assured friends, I will tell you all about it the next day. Damn the zen! I'm getting excited.

Addendum: As it turns out, hours count as much as days when tracking schedules. 1:30 is not the same at 12:30. Believe you me, my head's been examined plenty, but perhaps not in the way it needs.


  1. Looking forward to hearing more about the exhibit as the time gets closer.

  2. You can't say this stuff and then not give the story, you big tease. Waiting to hear details ...
