Sunday, January 13, 2013

Little Feats

In the middle of another cold snap. Second one this winter, which, it being winter and all would seem to make sense. Except they're early.

Cold: below freezing, as low as 20°F, which is about as cold as it gets here. Enough to burst PVC water pipes, which it did last go 'round, out in the big barn. Yep. not the first time, but I'll be damned if I'm going to dig up the line that runs over to the other barn and replace it all with something more durable. The previous owners who installed it should have. Not me. But it might have been wise to plug in the pipe warmers I'd installed. Oops. The thaw came sometime after the sun went down and I was out capping it off at midnight. That was last week, and now I guess I don't have to think about it again until spring.

Besides, other things need tending. The burn pile is huge and unruly. Any excuse to get on the tractor. Fences need repair. There's still a lot of clean-up to do in all of the outbuildings. Dismantling of old wood shelves left out in the weather. A cord and a half of wood still under a tarp outside. An old lawn tractor to haul away and servicing of the newer one. But man, it's cold outside. Tomorrow, perhaps, when the temperature is suppose to climb. Good news is no rain until next weekend.

Broke my chain yesterday and headed to the city. Writer in heat. Saw a couple exhibits, attended a lecture about one, scribbled a page of notes. Yep, going against orders and writing a couple reviews.

The hiatus may have done me some good in that I've had time to suss. On the other hand, time does not guarantee success and I may have some prelims to attend to, as in 1500 words or so to delete when I finally get to the point I wish to make. Or maybe I'll write it off and leave them in the essay as a meta-theme. Make it a challenge. Have some fun at the reader's, and perhaps my expense as well. Much like I am doing now.

Yeah, a bit rusty, or stiff. Even arthritic. And you know what the cold does to that.

But I'll let you know when they're published.

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