Sunday, January 6, 2013

By way of examination

A bit odd.

Yes, most, if not all readers would concur were I referring to myself, something I'm good at, I admit; and it may very well turn out that the subject matter will turn in that direction when all is said and done.

After more than a year in the dark, I have made the old blog available for perusal. A friend from very long ago contacted me a month ago, and in an attempt to provide an encyclopedic response to the age-old "What's up?"and unable to figure out how to limit access to only the inquirer, I turned on the overheads.

One might find it amusing that bastin is already getting more hits than this blog, but not all, if any, from that special reader. Yet, I'm afraid I cannot be more specific as I don't know for certain whom or from where, as my tracking software is not functioning properly and I can't be bothered with figuring out why. Still, what little information I can glean is impressive, the archive clicked throughout.

 "Well," one might offer, "there is a trove in those pages, if not treasure then evidence of industry. And if memory serves, done daily." Indeed. I would also agree were one to suggest the sparsity of posts here does not encourage an active, let alone growing audience, nor is the subject as engaging as a shared interest or a life in epic proportions of success or self-destruction. "It has also been noted that you currently avoid language that allows for SEOs to do their thing." Right again. Life in the sticks in more ways than one.

Such is a conscious choice, limiting exposure to virus and carrier alike. Nor do I expect much in return, which makes any gesture by others rather special, either by way of comment or email.

That long lost friend? By email via my art website. The third or fourth such contact via that url in twelve years. Which leads me to wonder and ask a favor. If you type in my name for a search, how far down the page do you have to go to find my dot com? For me, it's the top of the page, but this is no doubt a cookie or some such thing. Not that I'll doing anything with the information you provide. I'm merely curious.

That long lost friend? Maintain your poker face. An old girlfriend from college. Which, I will be quick to point out, is not the same as an ex-spouse come a-callin'. And although my past is littered with everything from short-lived flings to live-ins gone horribly wrong, I have fond memories of this woman.

Still, the past comes roaring to the fore with the same ferocity, and with it an accounting.

Not that I'm pining (although my diction may be a bit old school). In fact, the reconnection has been instructive.* I have been preoccupied with what passes for busy doing other things (How does she put it? "Less thinking and more action."), some of which I will tell you about in upcoming posts.

And that, my friends, is one reason I have been scarce here of late and may continue to be so for a while longer. So, if you get to missing me, you might want to try bastin.

*Buried within those first two lines is a rather well-developed, if somewhat oblique pun for Mojo.


  1. It came up first on duckduckgo, ixquick, and google. But it might be because I was just there yesterday. Tainted data.

  2. Won't be tainted on DDG. That searches anonymously.

  3. I searched for bastin poker. You listed first regarding your stats on Poker Stars. Your blog was third.

  4. Thanks for trying, Crash, and for clarification, Ken. Mojo, I was referring to my given name. I see the confusion in how I wrote the above and have made alterations. Still, funny that bastin still lingers in the search.

  5. Gave up looking at the search for just "bastin." Oh -- and I did have a smirk immediately.

  6. 36, even with the caution, I'm sure most others had a similar reaction.
