Sunday, January 27, 2013

Enough is enough

I wish I could figure out a way to upload to this blog an audio file I have. This tops anything the bad boys of the poker blogging world have thrown out there for our bemusement, pity or horror. 

It's a recording of a phone message my brother-in-law left for his sister at 5:20 AM the other day. From Vegas. 

He's been there over a week. He may still be there, but we're not sure. And by "we," I mean my wife, I and their younger brother. Maybe their aged parents know but they're not saying. Nor are his wife and two kids. But I kind of think everyone is out of the loop. (It's complicated and long-standing.)

Yeah, this guy has problems. A lot of them, organic and chemical. He can function when it's only the former but not so well when they're working in tandem.

And he has money. Or he did. Like I said, I'm not certain anyone knows anymore. He likes to play the big shot high-roller, get comped suites, meals, etc. You guys know the type. And you also know how that works out: the comps equal about an hour, at which time the casino breaks even.

And he likes guns. I don't think I'm out of line when I say they're a fetish of his, a stand-in for his chicken shit self.

Combine the big shot fantasy and weapons. Now add the fact that the only person who has called him on his crap is my wife. (Hence the call.) Did I mention he's a chicken shit? With money? Let George do it.

The laser sighted .38 is next to the bed and has five hollow points in it. The 20 gauge is in the basement loaded with 3" #4 shot. And the .22 long is on the main floor with a full clip of hollow points. Not yet sure what to do with the .32.

Do I think we're in danger? I doubt it but can't rule it out either, for it wouldn't be the first time he's threatened with a weapon. The wife is scared and that's all I care about at the moment. 

Now, you guys also know that as an old Lefty, I'm not crazy about having all of these guns at-the-ready, but I don't really know what else to do. I've offered to go the Vegas with the youngest brother and retrieve this guy and get him in rehab. The youngest is counting on him hitting bottom and going home with his tail between his legs. Until the next time, eh?

I don't have any compassion for this guy. None. And I can also say that there's been a lot of enabling that's been done in that family, but I do have strong feelings for the elderly in-laws and pity for the guy's wife and kids. I feel like something should be done, if not for them then for no other reason than to nip anything in the bud that could head our way.

I think I know where the guy stays in Vegas. Caesars or that place attached to the V. What I don't know is all of the people some of you know who might have connections to those places. If someone can get me in touch with some muckety-mucks from either place, or have a suggestion of another avenue I can pursue to check on the status of this guy, I'd appreciate it. And most importantly, I want discretion. Maybe even stealth, although I know that may be asking too much.

Yeah, this could end badly. I'm okay with that as long as it's him and not anyone else. 

Let's do this by email, OK? 

UPDATE: I received word today that the scum has settled on his parents for a few days before going home. Guy should be a pulp fiction writer except the first chapter of the tale he's telling has three versions before moving to Chapter #2. Maybe he's an experimental writer. Whatever, it seems to be working as disbelief has been suspended.

The guns are staying where they are.


  1. I've offered to go the Vegas with the youngest brother and retrieve this guy and get him in rehab

    I've heard that doesn't usually work UNTIL they hit rock bottom. GL with everything.

  2. Yes, Mojo, that is generally the case. I worked on an alcoholism program when I was younger, and I can tell you that even the bottom doesn't stop a lot of folks. This guy is ruining his family, which is more my concern. Stop the bleeding, so to speak.

  3. Tough situation. Worse yet is that rock bottom can sometimes be awfully far down. And people like that obviously do not give a crap about spouses, children, parents or anyone else but themselves. Had you considered getting law enforcement involved due to the phone call.

    Sounds like three or four guns is a bit of overkill, no (excuse the pun)? And hollow points?

    But yeah -- I think having some protection ready is certainly prudent. Even with your update.

  4. 36, Getting the law involved didn't occur to me. The message was more harassing than threatening and if someone didn't know this guy they might think it a non-issue. We just happen to have the number of guns we do because the handguns were bought so the wife had something for herself while I'm away. First the .32, which she didn't like, so it goes with me when I go into the deep woods. The .38 is perfect for her as the light shows her the way. The hollow points are a trade-off for a larger weapon's stopping power. Bottom line is that we don't trust the guy as far as we can throw him while everyone else but us seems to want to give him one more chance... and then another. You know how that works as a solution, and that's why were at the point we are at.

  5. Yes -- unfortunately "one more chance" begets "one more chance" which begets "one more chance" ...
