Monday, March 25, 2013


The little purple and green swallows have returned from wherever they go during the colder months. They're right about on time, the bluebirds having set up house in the boxes that will soon become untenable for raising a family, let alone setting on the eggs, for they cannot go without eating when defending the nest requires so much energy.

The mallards are back as well, having spent a week or more somewhere else. Or, perhaps the drake made a call on the hen and they were merely having a swim before she climbed back upon her clutch. I have never been able to find her nest after the ducklings hatch, nor know where she goes with her brood after that first day's swim. You'd think she'd stick around, but no.

After all, there's plenty of food in that pond, both greenery and squigglies. I believe we had a record number of frogs this year, the racket made greater than I can remember. Even now, with the bubbles of eggs everywhere, a few males, latecomers to the party call to any of the opposite gender who might still be sitting in the folding chairs along the wall.

As for me, the air temperature and wind velocity was such I managed to get out yesterday and spray. I still have a ways to go, I'd say another 50% of the yard's beds. There was a good breeze this morning as the sun came over the ridge, and should it not die down, then at least the eight-inch tall grass will dry out for the mower.


  1. Blessed are the ocean currents - until it snows.

  2. "As for me, the air temperature and wind velocity was such I managed to get out yesterday and spray."

    Was this the artist's way of saying he peed in his yard?

  3. TM - Should it snow again here this year I'd be mighty surprised, but I understand our weather does have some bearing on what comes your way.

    36 - My days of drinking that much coffee are long gone, but glad to know you're familiar with my ouvre. I rely on more expeditious concoctions now.
