Thursday, March 14, 2013

0130 hrs

 —What are doin' out here?

— Having a smoke.

— You staying here?
— Yes.

— What's your name?

— Spot. What's yours?

A pause. He looks into the sky.

— Steven.

— You sure?

— Yes. I was trying to decide if I should tell you my name or nickname. Can I get a smoke from you?

— Sure.

— I used to date a lot of people who stayed here. Why you stayin' here? Business?

— Yeah.

— Yeah, I used to date a lot here. Get twenty dollars.

Another pause.

— Twenty bucks will get me a lot. Pack of smokes, some food.

— A place to flop. How long you been on the streets?

— Um, all of my life, really.

— Adulthood?

— What?

— Since you've been an adult.

— Longer. Say, can you give me twenty dollars so I can get a place to sleep?

— I just came out here for a smoke. No money on me.

A lie.

— What's your nickname, Steven?

— Cujo.

— Who gave you that name?

— No one. Me.

— Make people think twice, eh?

— Um, yeah. I like animals. See, I got a tattoo of a panther on my arm.

— Nice. You ever try staying at the Sally?

— The what?

— Salvation Army.

— Yeah, I was there for drug rehab. Hey, I'm gonna walk around now. Night.

— Take care.


  1. Interesting vignette.

    Downtown Memphis has programs where anybody can get a free meal or free room. FREE. I'd rather donate $20 to either of these than hand a guy the money.

  2. Mojo, yeah, not a big fan of handing money out on the streets. Portland has a huge homeless population and while I'm sure there must be some free shelters, many charge $15 to $20 a night for a cot and shower. We give to Sally and another local group and leave it go at that.

    36, while I think it is fairly obvious that I am considerably more "open" to alternative lifestyle choices and sexual orientation (How many of you men out there can claim to have been kissed on the mouth by another guys? Anyone? Didn't think so.) I've never paid directly, unless it was disguised as dinner and a movie, for sex, which is more often the fate for us straight males. Pity.
