Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Putz or putzing

I can't say I've ever been called one, though my activities, both constructive and less so merit such a leveling.

Let's see: I cut down a tree and dragged the limbs to an interim pile halfway to the burn pile; other wood, old rotten rounds made it all the way by way of the front end loader; campfire area was weed-wacked, as was an are around two squash plants volunteering up from the old Beuys' squash pile; the greenhouse deck was swept; and a couple gopher mound traps were set. Above me, two guys sprayed aluminum paint on the outbuilding roofs.

Which is why, when I saw multiple pillars of smoke rising both near and far, I wished I was elsewhere.

They started early today, around 1:30, as opposed to around 5:00 as has been the norm this year. (In past years it was usually about 3:00) And the fires continue now, some 4.5 hours later.

Except I'm a bit tuckered to go chasing, plus the sky is not ideal for shooting, what with all of the smoke. I'll try to go out a half day tomorrow, or wait until my good camera gets back from the shop and then take a day to go looking for the blackened field.

Judging from the sky, they shouldn't be too hard to find.

Oh, and as a noun? Depends on who you ask.


  1. If it helps, there have been a lot of red Flag warning days in our area this summer.
