Friday, May 25, 2012

Waiting for the coffee to kick in

Another review is in the can, which means that I've done what I can and await my editor/publisher to do his part. I've taken liberties that will seem familiar to readers here. It remains to be seen what parts make it to the site. At any rate, I'll let you know when it's up.

The sun is out for the first time in several days, and had I not been up until the wee hours writing the above, I would be outside putting the chainsaw through some damp, heavy branches. A fence is in immanent danger from fir boughs and the flowering plums continue to sag across the drive. I am avoiding the inevitable for the latter.  They are not producing leaves in the lower branches, and the number of those lower branches gets higher every year. A half-cord of wood is not reason enough without a suitable replacement.

Otherwise, there is not much else to report. And I shall not burden you more with my to-do list.

Well, maybe just a little...

Addendum: When I finished writing the above, I signed into the sharing app my editor and I use. I saw that he was editing the piece. The guy is good... very good, and I must admit I'm getting a kick watching the process.