Sunday, September 2, 2012


The wife and I took a couple days together in the city. As often as I go, the times together up there are few and far between. It's a production, what with the animals (pets) and check-list. Combine that with the fact that we are both rather fond of the homestead, going seems to be a bit of a sacrifice, except that we know we have to prime ourselves for the eventuality of city life again and there are people who live in cities whom we happen to enjoy.

My intern acupuncturist was graduating and it was high time the wife met my editor and his wife.

So we bit the bullet, endured the bumper-to-bumper and the multitude of homeless and had lovely conversations and meals.

The wife took her laptop while opted for my iPad. I mention this only because I had to use her machine to put this essay to bed.

And I mention the essay not only because I always do when one gets published, and mention it again in this sentence because I am awfully proud of the thing. And editor, artist (friend) and wife agree that it is quite good. So, please give it a read.

I took some pictures:

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