Saturday, September 15, 2012

It ain't pretty

I've been away again, this time for three days to cover an arts festival up in the city. Long days that bled into the nights. I saw a lot of performance art, painting, sculpture, and artists. A few friends as well, but for the most part I was left to my own devices, which means that when I was away from the art I sat outside of a bar, had a smoke, a scotch and coffee, all to work up the motivation to go back to my hotel room to write, get a few hours of sleep, write some more and then go out and see more art.

I ain't complaining, but it was exhausting.

I managed to knock out a short essay about one performance I saw. You ain't gonna like it. Or you might. Not quite sure how it's going to float, but it's out there.

Now, I can imagine that instead of clicking on the link and reading the essay before you continue to read this here blog, and knowing that all of you have a screen large enough to see what follows this paragraph, you're going to wonder what the hell is going on.

This young woman is self-flagellating with a home made cat o' nine tails. The whip has a contact microphone embedded in it. What you can't see is that she has another mic in her mouth and fake menstrual blood in the crotch of her shorts. I will review this performance, so I will spare you commentary at this point. I can't say that I will be kind. Generous, yes; kind, no.

And I will ask you to imagine my mood after having seen this bit one night after having seen the performance I wrote about.


  1. Perhaps two Scotch, one coffee. I'm afraid to read the review.

    What's in the water up there?

  2. I found it interesting how the lady was positioned within the frame (all the space behind her). Does that mean something?

  3. Having never been one geared toward aesthetics, your blog reminds me that there are many worlds out there of which I am blissfully unaware.

  4. I'm sitting at my computer trying to work up the energy to write about more substantial ideas around art making, and I'm having a hard time doing so. It happens, and most likely after another day of rest and decompression, I'll be ready. When my efforts seem to be more than the efforts put into the art, even though what I have to say may have import, well, it just seems to not be very equitable. The scotch helps sometimes, but it is way too early. The need to get paid will win the day.

    Yes, TM, to be truthful, it was two doubles.

    Mojo, it is a cropping issue. I didn't want to get too close, and to photograph the event seemed unseemly. I try to keep an open mind, but I was raised in a certain way that is sometimes difficult to work around.

    36, see my response to Mojo. In darker moments I think remaining in my studio is my best option.
