Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh, there's more. Others with pink. I am, after all, a 21st Century kinda guy.  As they say, embiggen the fucker to see the title. You see, believe it of not, I stare at these things, and more and more I ask, "What is missing? What will make the composition complete?" And then, "How can I fuck it up and come back to rescue it?" Rather like some poker players we know, eh? Formalism really knows no bounds, but you'll have to trust me on that.

Anyway, I've wanted to get to writing a post today, if for no other reason to tell you we've received our first snow of the season. Lovely stuff early this morning, and it's still coming down, although in waves, from small sleet to lake-effect. The dog and wife love it, as do I as long as I don't have to shovel. I do want to keep both of my two mottoes for this state intact: "You don't shovel rain." and "It's always good sleeping weather." We do manage about six inches a year, yet it will be gone by Wednesday when the rains return.

The photos don't do eight o'clock this morning justice. The shy was darker, but something in me said "too dark for human consumption," so I tweaked them lighter and threw in a bit of contrast to compensate. If I was a painter, there's be a lot of deep purple, the sky a radiant cave.

But now I will try purple and green on the paper.

She's missing a head.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like the date is Dec 1/2012. You're working ahead !
