Wednesday, January 11, 2012

At it

We're still knee deep in job apps, each cover letter targeted, which almost always necessitates a rewrite and rearrangement. Funny how, not taking into account the typos and such, the letter continues to improve. Of course, the collateral materials are going through minor adjustments as well. Package number two will go out tomorrow, leaving three more to do by the end of the month. No telling what the last packet will read like, but the tweaks so far have only been good, so I can't complain too much.

Though a regular sleep schedule would be nice. I made a nice pasta with garlic bread for dinner tonight and after cleaning off the table, promptly fell asleep on the couch for a half hour. That would usually spell trouble for later in bed; but instead, when I woke up I made a cup of coffee and headed to the dungeon to edit. And draw.

I'm a horrible proofreader (goes without saying at this point) and after reading and re-reading the same crux, I begin to skim. I know the tricks to keep from doing this, for instance, reading aloud or start with the last sentence and work backwards, yet the former doesn't always work, and the latter seems tedious. Instead, I do something else for a while and then come back for another look. The "something else" these days is drawing. (Right now it is this post; and yes, sometimes poker.) Or painting. Or both. I can't really make a distinction between the two.

Anyway, I posted several of them just before Christmas, and while I slowed down a bit for the holidays, I've been at it again and thought I'd post a few more.

Back to it...

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