Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Photo Dump 2

Up close.

Winding roads make for slow, careful travel. Add narrow as a descriptive and not only does speed decrease further and caution increases, stopping to photograph is not always an option for fear of the odd vehicle coming around a bend blind.

Similarly, although I saw many place I would have liked to try my luck with rod and reel, I was in Diamondback territory.

 This fellow's name is Leonard. He's a miner with a stake or two in the mountains and fifteen miles off a paved road. He mines Thundereggs, our state rock. His mine is linked in my link. He told me he's almost 100 years old and he was a bit wobbly to be sure. Yet, see that buldge under his jacket on the right side? That's a .44.

 While I worried a bit about bears in my campsites, this bunny was somewhat reassuring that there were either none in this area or I wouldn't be low enough on the food chain.

 Qucickdraw contest in Canyon City. 

Everyone was packin'. Nice blade. Note the iPhone.

 Shoe tree out in the middle of nowhere.

Sumpter train and dredge in an old gold mining town. Tailings for miles on end.
 No idea.

Cooperative goats.


  1. Nice knife, nice other stuff, too.

  2. Good series. Thanks for the link to the stones. Took awhile to find the knife - the iPhone was distracting.
