Friday, July 12, 2013

Where there's smoke

It seems fitting to check in again, in that the neighbor with the wood pile worked four days this week, waiting to start splitting today.

I did a bit of firewood-related this week, not to his scale, mind you, but I will not let that stop me from remarking as a way to provide an update on another subject.

As a dedicated bunch (bless your hearts), you know of the issues with Thumper, the gut and attitude that have kept the heavier farm-related activities to a minimum over these past —sheesh— five years or so. You may also recall I was told last September that further rest —up to a year— was the best option, despite my fret of neglecting said duties as they mounted.

Well, I think it safe to say the gut issues are finally under control, and with that some energy returned, evidenced by the firewoody thing. The bucked logs strewn about the place since last October have been picked up and hauled to outside the barn; the cord and a half of split that sat under a tarp most of the winter is short a quarter of being put up; and, although pooped from that effort, I talked myself into seeing if I could still swing a six-pound and hit a wedge "just so" to see what I was up against for the estimated half-cord of oak, crab apple and cherry now waiting.

Thumper complained only once. And although I was ready for bed three hours earlier than usual and slept nine, I can only minimally complain about a corresponding level of soreness and fatigue this morning. A day of rest and I'll be right as rain.

But that's not the only news.

Hay season is here. Actually, it's been here for several weeks now, some bales still sitting in the fields while windrows abound.

It's in those windrows, you see. I was mistaken.

I received my first email from the State two days ago that a field burning would be taking place that afternoon.

Indeed, a drive yesterday into the rolling hills south of us brought with it hundreds of acres of windrows and a smaller proportion of chaff.

Yesterday's winds no doubt prevented more burns (couldn't find the one that happened Wednesday), but given conditions today, I reckon this afternoon will find me chasing plumes.

And then a home game this evening.

I should probably take a nap.