Tuesday, March 5, 2013


It's official: The announcement of my exhibit. You'll have to scroll down a little.

Mind, should you follow the link you'll find that the information provided for the exhibit is rather esoteric. Indeed, I would hope that it sets the mood for what one sees upon entering the installation, for the work itself is abstract; yet, in that most of it has reference points in the world, is approachable and associations can be made.

Now, to get people in the door.

I tried to play a little poker the night before last. Mostly spun my wheels, losing a third of my buy-in with draws and odds but no luck. PLO, don't you know, at an odd table of jam monkeys and min bettors. Position was paramount. This free poker shit is just that and I will blame it for my increasing lack of interest in the game. I was out of there in under an hour.

Whether it was the unacknowledged stress from that short stint, the heavy carb dinner or the couple of hours I spent pruning fruit trees, or a combination of all three, I found myself in bed for the greater part of yesterday. A major step backward in my recovery.

In fact, I think I'll go back to bed now. Next week is going to be brutal.


  1. Wish I lived around there -- would love to see your exhibit.

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, guys.

  3. Hmmm ... if you were writing your own review of the exhibit ...
