Saturday, June 2, 2012


What I'd give for a better lens... But then again, I am more just a point-and-shooter... a gawker.

In an attempt to find healthier routines, I've taken to sitting by the pond a bit more, waiting for the birds to come drink. In my few ventures, it seems the Goldfinches own the pond. flying in just to check things out, without dipping a beak, and then flitting off into the tall grass again. There must be over a dozen. A lone Chickadee shows up fairly often, but not a tarrier, stays well in among the branches of the small trees lining the bank, and it has eluded an approximate focus.

Still, there is plenty of action out by the barns and paddocks, the fallow ground making for some excellent habitat.

I took the bush hog for a spin yesterday, making a path around the back ten and saw that a neighbor wished for me to shut 'er down for a chat as I rounded the corner behind his house. Nothing of substance except to maintain the bond of acquaintances, give him advice for trapping underground vermin, and to parry ailments. For the latter, he scored higher but showed mercy by allowing me to continue with my chore, and there but for the grace went I.

The fruit trees were next, the grasses very high. With a bounty of fruit showing, the area will merit a flat surface this year for a sprinkler. One tree is large. Though pruned, it was left to grow years back, and although topped, lower branches have been left dangling per the request of the wife for the deer's benefit. Therefore, the only way to mow beneath the canopy is to do it in reverse. (This makes for a good stretch of the back and neck muscles, and as I sit here now, I am reminded that I must work on these tissues more).

I have found that an hour or two in low gear goes faster with music, so I use my iPod and ear buds to entertain and dampen the diesel. Now, I'd prefer a pair of bluetooth headphones, but because the size of my head makes it near impossible to find a pair that fits — never mind the price — I try to arrange the length of cable from device in a pocket to ears so that it stays out of my way and avoids snagging on tools or whatever it is I'm working on.

Anyway, in order to get closer to the trunk of this big tree, I thought to move a branch as I backed in, putting it in front of and above me. Having achieved what I desired, I shifted into 3rd to emerge and steered to position myself for a parallel pass; and so preoccupied, I neglected deflecting the branch, which then hooked into the cable for the earbuds and yanked them from my ears. I managed to grab the cable as I continued to move forward, but it wasn't until I had gone several feet that I felt my shirt pocket for the iPod, which, of course, was gone.

Tractor tires and whirling blades close to the ground. I feared the worse and parked and disengaged the PTO. I searched the tractor as I dismounted and saw nothing. I looked under the bush hog. Nothing. I pulled forward a bit further to make sure. Still nothing. I kicked mowed grass and parted the stuff still standing. Nada.  The initial excitement wearing off, I thought to be more thorough and returned to the tractor to have another look. I tried to hypothesize a trajectory and broaden my search. I wondered if that neighbor might have a metal detector. I considered the improbable and looked into the tree branches. I thought some more.

Both times I searched the tractor, I had done so from the dismount side. Perhaps a different perspective... Sure enough. Resting on the housing for the back axle.

Mojo was right. Being in nature does focus the mind.

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