Thursday, March 1, 2012

Can Cans

Slowly but surely I'm amassing a series of photographs taken in the restrooms I visit. I believe I've posted a few in the past yet a quick look shows only the one above here, and a couple in the Picasa file. The latter I am relieved are some pretty nice photos, if I do say so myself.

You may remember these two.

I know there are more in my files. Many more, and perhaps many more to come if treatments do not eventually, after nearly two years, prevail. (Yes, I know this may be TMI. But then again, you should know that I endure, ever hopeful, and well-versed in available facilities.) So, what else but to make a little came of it? I even had a ball cap inscribed, specifically for the poker table: "As me about my colitis." Are you laughing yet? I hope so.

Today at the pet clinic

This one holds a special place in my heart. Also taken today at another clinic, one for humans, I've been planning, actually practicing for this shot for three weeks. After all, one does not want to spend an inordinate amount of time behind the locked door. People might not want to follow you in line.

I hear there is a guy who is taking photographs inside the restrooms at all of the state capital buildings. Seems equally fitting, no?

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