Sunday, November 13, 2011

Decisions and Process

Good, empty photograph
the print the aftermath
allows for the forest
while forgoing the trees

Clichéd, yes, and one should know that I passed up a good photo op while unsuccessful in another.


The gutters and window wells are cleared, although the weather promises wind tomorrow, no doubt bringing a good number of the leaves that remain attached to branches down to dam. We have not yet had cold to stifle all of the green, but it may not matter with a gust or two.

Still, there is little doubt winter will soon be here, not only, but certainly in the holiday spirit. The sound of helicopters assures it.

The Christmas tree harvest has been in full swing the past two weeks. Albeit tempted, I have resisted taking yet more photos of the process. The newspaper reports the farmers will sell the trees for an average of $14, forgetting to mention that the profit is $2 for the seven years (on average) the tree remains in the field. And I have already documented the wholesale ripping up of acre upon acre of the trees that have been given up on. I don't know how photojournalists do it. (I am aware there is a matter of degrees, which is the only reason to mention it.) When all is said and done, I am not motivated.

Evidence the two-day harvest no more than two hundred yards from our house. There was potential for some close-up action near the road. A big operation covering untold acres. So large, it was habitat for a flock of turkeys now displaced to wander the adjacent properties. And so close to Thanksgiving...

How could I not?

1 comment:

  1. Those guys are UGLY. We have many dozens of them in our suburb. I let the dog off the leash just to harass them away. Ours are much darker colored than the ones you show.
