Sunday, September 4, 2011

What one comes to expect one readily finds

Compared to the Illinois State Fair, this one pales. I don't care why in terms of larger issues; it just does. The barns have one third the animals, the Fish and Wildlife section is miniscule, and there are three times as many booths for mom and pop window installation companies hawking their double-paned vinyl. So, why do I bother?
Because I have a camera.

The parking lot was jammed and I had to park a good 1/3 mile away from the gate. Small matter, as some folks in a golf cart were ferrying people and I caught a ride pretty quickly and enjoyed the ride along with a cute, young couple. We chatted about throwing up on rides.

I suppose I could have directed the conversation in another direction, for it was I who more or less expanded on their comments about their least favorite, inner-ear-challenging rides. I could have kept my own counsel with a slight grin or short chuckle. But I was actually thinking of something else, fighting against my own little terrible thrill of being amongst others.


  1. Interesting images -- I feel like I'm right there. I like the one of the boy with makeup on.

  2. No corn dogs or elephant ears? Surely no butter cow. : o )
