Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ring of Fire

Perhaps it was the threat of rain today that forced a flurry of fields afire the past two. As is their practice, the plumes started rising into the sky around 1500 hrs and gained in frequency until a haze filled the valley.

I had things to do Monday, which I'll get to at some point, that prohibited a photo op. Yesterday I was free and clear and took full advantage. Or rather, I pursued the fires and photos until the light became such that contrast was unavailable.

No surprise that the sunset last night was as orange as it was.

I'll be heading out in another hour and a half to shoot some more and probably put another 100 miles on the new rig.

Yep. New rig.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pooped to pop

Either too busy or too tired or both. Up to the city three times this week, coffee IV in my left arm. One essay written and posted, another one remains in note form waiting for the fog to clear.

Maybe it's all of the smoke, either from forest fires or grass field burnings (photos in the can from this morning). Whatever it is, would someone (me) stop beating this horse? It's already... No not quite yet; not by a long shot.

But man, I'm tired.

Monday, August 20, 2012

No idea why they call the town Riverside

I've just returned from a weekend east of LA. As I mentioned last week, another uncle has died, and I went for his memorial service.

It was a very interesting weekend and I came back with new insights about family and myself in that structure. Good stuff that I am frankly too tired to go into, yet I feel a bit better about moving down there should it come to that.

The real adjustment will be living in the landscape. Wholly unsustainable, this oil well masquerading as urban and suburban sprawl.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Back at it

Well, yes, I'm a bit excited. The light was good. The only thing wrong is that I didn't make sure my lens was clean on several shots. This one makes the cut out of a couple dozens shots. Still need to get a better lens for these long shots.

In other news, having grown weary with O-8, and hitting the 8 Game tables a bit more, I've played a bit of PLO. Guys don't understand betting at all. Good for me.

Will go out tomorrow morning and shoot some more. Funny thing though, there have not been any burns the last five days or so. Maybe because of the smoke from the Siberian fires that has made its way over here.

Friday, August 10, 2012

New review

If you're so inclined, thanks for reading it.

I've done better. The opening section is a bit rough, I suppose because I felt I had to remove some pretty harsh stuff. Too catty. Now, stiff.

Here you go

I note that it has been some time since I last wrote here. Again. I could say that since I have not had any photos worth posting, Mojo, I saw no need.

Soon, I will mark one year with Spot... No, a quick check shows that I missed the anniversary, August 2nd. That was the day I took the last photos I posted here, so it's a perfect world.

I have been thinking about photos, or rather, my photography that I'd like to think of as art as opposed to documentation, and in that, I am beginning to understand others who indulge the genre and are even more critical than I as to what constitutes photography as fine art. It's a hornet's nest of judgement calls having to do with more composition than observation, I suppose, and narrowing the field gives one something to do when not actually in the field snapping away. Just like my being coy when I really shouldn't bother you with this stuff anyway.


Speaking of coy, I'm a bit slow on the uptake sometimes. Combine that with preoccupied, I wonder if it is too late to extend birthday greetings. You kow who you are.


Another uncle has died. My mother's brother-in-law. Suddenly, but only because everyone thought he had turned a corner for the good. If you knew my Mom, you'd know how hard this is for her, first her younger brother last month and now this. I'll be headed out for the memorial service next week but the physical distance between family and myself during times like this makes me wish I lived closer.

There was a time when the death/wake/funeral span of time was shorter. Maybe it still is as a rule, yet it seems to me that ten days or two weeks is too long, even for an urn. Closure, it seems, is paramount even if it is elusive. Still, families are more spread out these days, with schedules too busy to pencil in a death.

I might have just kept my luggage packed.


The above was written a couple days ago. Since then I have taken some pictures, and had some taken. Those of you who have befriended me elsewhere, I apologize for the duplication.

Test #4

This series is getting some notice. Rather, positive comments from some discriminating types. For my part, I'm glad to have them as a project for although this is the time of year I would normally be out photographing the field burns, the ones I have seen that haven't already been plowed under are far from the road. I hesitate to trespass and my zoom lens sucks.  No doubt there will be more burning today and next week, so I will get the opportunity. But I'll take my flags along for the ride just in case.


Not for the squeamish. Long-timers will remember that my internal physiology is problematic. Everyone is talking and nobody is listening. Next week's procedure promises to be even more elaborate, including some stigmata points on the hands and feet. Can't wait.

All in service to art.

Friday, August 3, 2012


Lamb Vindaloo. I should have known better, anticipated the Lamb V. in da loo.

I was on my way to that last galleries for the day and called the wife.

She advised, "There are some food carts up there you should check out. But hurry. They might be closing soon."

In fact, most were closed for the season as the school nearby is in summer session and the majority of young, hearty gastrointestinal tracts no doubt off elsewhere to eat that which awaited them at their parents' tables. My choice would be between a burger place, three Thai places and the Indian truck. 

Not that the outcome would likely be any different had I chose otherwise, except then I would not have the wordplay.


Saw some stuff.

All in the same alley.